Romanesque Research Award 2017

The European Center of the Romanesque (Europäisches Romanik Zentrum, ERZ) awards outstanding international research works on the field of Romanesque art and architecture. The award is donated by the Stiftung Saalesparkasse (Halle) and Mr Gerhard Mauch (Ludwigshafen).

The award aims to promote, honor and encourage graduated junior researchers contributing to the study of Romanesque art, history, archaeology, Church history as well as history of the law.

Only unpublished research works will be considered (PhD thesis). The award is supposed to promote graduates. It is valued at 2000 Euro. The ERZ’s international board of advisors will co-judge the selection of the awardee. Accepting the award, the winner is encouraged to give a public lecture at the ERZ.

Until April 7th 2017, the application (CV, certificates, references, list of publications), one piece of his/her digitized research works (PDF) including an abstract and the academic evaluation is to be send at:

Herrn Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schenkluhn
Direktor des Instituts Europäisches Romanik Zentrum
Domplatz 7
06217 Merseburg
