On Friday, 23 October 2020, TRANSROMANICA Managing Director Christin Leser participated in the German edition of the webinar „Cultural Routes Dialogues: Challenges and Opportunities post-Covid19“.
Organized by the European Institute of Cultural Routes this digital meeting brought together Cultural Routes Managers and experts from Germany to discuss the current situation and possible future development of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe with regard to the Covid-19 crisis.
After a fruitful exchange on challenges related to the crisis but also on ideas and good practices to overcome the difficult times the participants agreed that we have to see the current situation as a chance for the Cultural Routes and cultural tourism in Europe. Cultural destinations are currently being in high demand and they are benefitting from domestic tourism activity.
In order to use the chances and opportunities that are arising for the Cultural Routes, the participants of the meeting came to the conclusion that it is very important for the routes to cooperate strongly as a network of Cultural Routes and with the relevant institutions on global, European, national, regional and local level. The brand „Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe“ has to be promoted and awareness has to be raised for the comprehensiveness of the networks as drivers for cultural tourism, cultural activities, education, research, citizen involvement and European exchange.
The webinar was live-streamed on the Facebook channel of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme. The full recording of the German-speaking event is available now:
Cultural Routes Dialogues: Challenges and Opportunities post Covid-19 – 5. Germany from Council of Europe OP Services on Vimeo.
Via Regia – Kulturroute des Europarates Thermal Travels Megalithic Routes ERIH – European Route of Industrial Heritage Der Weg in die Freiheit: Hugenotten- und Waldenserpfad DIE HANSE European Cultural Route of Reformation Europa-Radweg Eiserner Vorhang/ Iron Curtain Trail (EuroVelo 13) TRANSROMANICA – The Romanesque Routes of European Heritage
#transromanica #culturalroutes